Sep 21, 2009

Runaway tips for dummies

Deep irony behind the following writeup might be the fact that itz by a perfect dummy who never got chance to run even a little away from home for any good reason in life.But that doesn't disqualify me to publish my valuable tips to other dummies who wish to graduate on how to runaway from their homes without messing it all up.

My disclaimer would be that though this might not serve you dummies out there as one detailed comprehensive runaway guide,i promise you will get some rich insights,tips & stimulants to think out of the box by the time you reach end of this tip guide.To put it in a nutshell, this will be a quick jump start guide to inspire if you have already kick started the thought process of running away from home ditching your parents.

Before we begin with the tips & tricks,if you would like to know why on earth am I taking pains to draft content on such a risky & adventurous topic,lemme take the pleasure of revealing a true fact to you prestigious readers at this point in time.After being a successful co-mastermind behind a high risky and a high adventurous runaway plan which succeeded beyond it's probability to succeed,I believed penning down my rich insights on such a subject could prove beneficial to few other potential couples.

As any other author i also would like to begin by dedicating my quick guide to 2 dummies.My heart felt thanks to them who blindly trusted me and my instincts to the best of their knowledge on such a valuable aspect in their lives.All tips,tricks,post wedding plans listed below are actually drawn from my meticulous planning experience in uniting this couple.

Tip#1-Foot Gear A good pair of gripping shoes with lace tied tightly is a must even to run those few steps effectively from your house to board any hired cab or bike or bus whatever be your chosen mode to escape home.Your otherwise regular high heel has the capability of landing you directly on a hospital bed & your strapped sandals could strand u by toppling both you and ur plans, all in a minute.So make sure you actually have a good pair of foot gear in working conditions during those auspiciously daring runway minutes.Mmm .. I can hear you appreciating me on this well thought tip #1.Thanks anyways : )

Tip#2-Transportation All you need to get united with your sweet heart is not even a pair of strong legs to run but a hired cab in good running conditions.This is my first recommended mode of transport if you have a long distance to cover.The shortest route from the runaway point to ur first planned destination must be well known.If not you, atleast the driver must be with good clarity of thought and route.A good bike will also do the trick.If itz a local runaway,then your bike must be serviced priorly,tyres filled with air & tank filled with sufficient petrol.Above all either you or ur partner must be in the perfect state of mind to drive well once you hit the main road.Since for most it is expected to be the first runaway experience,itz recommended that you don't drive.If people at home are absolutely not skeptical and highly hopeless in tracing your master plan,then boarding a local metro transport leisurely could be the cheapest and the best for you.

Tip#3-Rest&Sleep The person who has the necessity to take ample rest and sleep prior to this adventurous exercise should be your driver since he/she needs to drive you back the entire stretch during your journey towards your first planned destination.In addition you could also rest and sleep so that you don't screw the meticulous master plan from your side.And the same can be followed by your partner as well so that things go smooth as planned in a clear state of mind.A good rest& sleep will provide you this.

Tip#4-Communication Carry your mobile,just to communicate with your partner in case of any last minute confusion in the plan.But remember to remove the SIM card immediately after you leave home.I believe you know why?.Your current location can be traced with the nearest tower from which mobile device picks up the signal.Leaving a trace would be the most foolish thing in this situation.And more so you don't want to receive any calls from kith & kin on that number at least for those immediate few hours.what do u say ?

Tip#5-Runaway Note After performing the most daring act in ur life,you wouldn't want to keep your parents guessing foolishly that u had just vanished to some friend's house or to some shopping mall near by.I know to let them know your daring act,isn't that easy in spite of your success behind ditching them.If you are highly confused as what to write in the runaway note to your parents,stop worrying i say.An SMS to your dad/mom after few minutes of quitting the house will do.It need not be so elaborate,remember it is an Short Messaging Service anyway.

Tip#6-Things to carry Just before your clandestine runway plan if you are skeptical on what to carry & what not to,here are few handy tried and tested pointers.A good max fresh toothpaste and an old toothbrush should be on top of your list amidst other things.Next comes ur passport,certificates,debit card.If you can organise all these in a neat file or a folder well in advance,it is a good practise.Ur facewash,deo and a pair of dress with some clean & soft under wears along with a comb is the most recommended.The contents listed above are tried and tested.If you are asking me abt the under wear ... lemme explain.The very next day you will be grieving to the peak for all the family values you practised all these years.Your new underwear has the power to alleviate your grief to the extent it can help.If you had already let your imagination fire by now,gosh am not responsible in anyway.If you want to be extra careful sufficient eatables with the choice of your soft drink can be included in the list.Soft drinks are mainly to wash down all the multiplied sorrows.

Tip#7-Emotional Intelligence Have you heard of it before?If u haven't itz just fine .. because this is what you got to ideally practise once you have done the most daring act in ur life and still can't believe it for urself that you have just done it.Just be practical and go with the flow in life.Don't let a whirl pool spin inside ur brain soaking all the past incidents or ur past life ,even for a minute.I know itz the most difficult thing to practise but believe me itz the need of hour.Even if your IQ had been an all time low,you can fare well in EQ under such exceptional circumstances.Believe me it works sometime.

Tip#8-Star Connections After all,the whole runaway ,meticulous planning & implementation should be rewarding for the rest of your life.For this,it's better to pass on your birth details & horoscope if any through any of your trustable friends and make sure that your astral combinations with ur partner are in perfect sync with each other just to avoid the possibility of some strong skewed lines at some corner of your birth chart screwing up the whole thing.I believe you are slowly gripping the fact that i was a pretty good co-master mind.

Tip#9-Place to Stay Make arrangements for a clandestine stay at least for the next day or next few days/weeks.Choose a clandestine destination,u know, a place where your will be in-laws just can't take even a wild guess.And to take ample rest after all the emotional trauma that you both had undergone.U deserve it,i tell you.

Tip#10-Family Bonding Just the day or the night previous to runaway,make sure you bond well with the entire family.Meet all ur local friends,relatives,elders in the family,take their silent blessings by dropping a safety pin near their foot etc with silent prayers for ur forthcoming plan to succeed.After all without elderly blessings,whatz the big deal to start a brand new life.Isn't it ?

Tip#11-RTI If you are wondering what this Real Time Implementer is,let me reveal.After all the grand master plan & logistics in place, the person who z got to quit home with all the essential things packed skipping the glance of every possibly existing member in the family on time in a perfect state of mind is equivalent to a rocket launch from earth to the targeted celestial destination.In fact the work of masterminds comes to light only if the RTI doesn't lets you down at the right minute.Even by any chance if you get caught, the consequences are unimaginably huge.So in this case you have the responsibility to get this right at the very first time.Isn't it ?.So as an RTI u got to mentally visualize this runaway act everyday at least for a week,do a forward,rewind,pause and frame the sequences correctly in the brain for a strong positive outlook on the mission.

Tip #12-License Procurement Finally a single ceremony that will make ur runaway act meaningful is this license procurement.I mean getting ur tie-up registered by signing in appropriate fields in designated forms in the presence of a sub registrar @ his office as per supreme court.Catch hold of a lawyer who can help you with this.I came to know that there are full time lawyers whose survival depends only on runaway couples dying to procure license asap in a clandestine way. And needless to say you need to collect two of ur buddies who will sign for the purpose of proof.Again make sure they are ur true friends.You can't be careless by inviting friends who have had some serious crush on ur partner at some point in time.Just in case ur foe in the name of a friend is accompanying you,your chance of signing in the correct fields might be slim.So take care : -).Feel free to bribe these full time couple uniting lawyers.After all, thatz their only source of income.Thatz it.You are almost done in making the whole runaway project a huge success.What more ?.Make sure you live the rest of your life without having to run, even to catch a bus.Thanks for allowing me to help & inspire you just in case if you have read this crap till the end.

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