Dec 29, 2009

Tiny Tykes

I wept that day miserably exhausting myself.It was my day 1 @ kindergarden.There was this huge & heavy feeling in my tiny self.As if people around have done injustice by walking me to an unfamiliar place called school.May be my tiny instincts knew they were snapping me from holidaying in life for many years to follow.I just didn't spoil my own day but mom's,dad's my kg tutor's & that poor school aayya's.Puddle of tears,red eyes,running nose & that wet handki are still fresh in my memory chip.It probably took a month or more to get acquainted to all those new unplesant faces around.That was me 24 years back.A month ago,my neighbour's 3 year old neice came upstairs to visit my mom to fetch her blessings the day before she was starting her KG classes.To that tiny tot my mom shot a Q.
Mom How did you know that you should do this?
Kiddo I have seen people doing it before starting something new.
Mom Oh aren't you scared to go to school?You cannot eat and play all the time there.Miss will be very strict and watching you all the time.Are you ok with it ?
Kiddo Am bored seeing my mom & dad all the time now.I am waiting to see some new faces & a place to go everyday.

A week later, just to check if all went well with the kid,mom dropped by.

Mom Hi honey,have you started going to school?.How are u liking it.I mean ur school,ur miss & your friends ?
Kiddo I like everything abt this school except one thing with an inverted smiley gesture facing the floor.
Mom Whtz that child.Can i know ?
Kiddo My new friend.He weeps all the time and it spoils my mood as well u know.

I have spent time with this kid during many of my trips.She must be just 3 now.She likes to do only things of her choice like selectively watching cartoon network,eating chicken kababs every night,wearing only soft fabric clothes.She is just cool about letting you know if you look good to her eyes.Once she came to me and said in a loving gesture'You look very pretty.I like you very much.Will you come to my house and stay with me?'.What a sweet offer & a priceless compliment from a kid of that age.Did i really know how to compliment someone at that very age ?.I did like all the pleasant looking faces at that age.But the element of complimenting others wasn't existing in my tiny self.Did i really bother or knew to tell my mom that some frilled frocks were actually pricking me inside though they made me look bright n bubbly.What ever was dressed on me was me.Whatever was given to eat was eaten by me.I never knew when to watch TV and when not to.Ofcourse am not trying to compare my dull head with some smart whizkid.

This kid really prompted me to observe kids of the same age.The next kid in the list was my collegue's.She leaves the kid in the day care centre inside my work campus.This kid loves to sing and one fine morning a beautiful sight struck me.My friend was holding her kidz hand and looking around wondering what to do.This kid was holding a bright coloured flower along it's long stem,half squatted,smiling brightly and happily singing to that flower.On revealing that beautiful sight that i witnessed tht morning to her,she told me that her son is interested in singing and that he frames his own lyrics sometimes and fits them in to an existing tune.How intelligent ? She also revealed to me that there are kids @ the day care who speak different languages to different people & responds in the correct language to people around.If only the mapping for all this is done in the brain correctly,i believe this is possible.Kids at day care are all less than 3.

Direct from the womb they all evolve really smart,knowing what they want and what they don't want,happy and bold unlike a kid like me of my generation :(

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